UniCAM – AA008 Rev 1
1) You can only complete this form after your official result is released by UniCAM and you are not awarded "IN" - Incomplete.
2) The fee charge is as follows:
Local Student: RM250 per subject payable upon request International Student: USD70 per subject payable upon request
3) One form is applicable for one course only. If you are intending to appeal for 2 subjects, then you need to complete 2 forms.
Date & Time:
Student Full Name:
Program taken: Bachelor Airline & Airport ManagementDiploma Aircraft Maintenance Engineering TechnologyDiploma in Aviation Safety ManagementDiploma in Aviation ManagementDiploma in Flight Operation ManagementDiploma in Aviation & Tourism ManagementDiploma in Cabin Crew & Airline ServicesDiploma in Aviation Finance ManagementDiploma in Office ManagementDiploma in Human Resource ManagementDiploma in Interactive MultimediaDiploma in Business StudiesDiploma in Event Management
Matric Number:
Current CGPA:
Mobile Phone Number:
Email Address:
Sponsor: SelfPTPTNAffin Islamic BankMaraOthers
1) Course Code:
2) Course Name:
3) Credit Hour:
4) Group (if any): Not Applicable12345
5) Grade Obtained: A-B+BB-C+CC-DE
Payment Mode: Instant Transfer
Date of Payment:
Note: You are required to make payment before we could process this form. Kindly email the receipt to finance.unicam@gmail.com and rozzaelena.amc@gmail.com as proof of payment.
Payment can be made to the bank account details as below:
Beneficiary Name: University College of Aviation Malaysia Account Number: 26242900024428 Bank: RHB Swift Code: RHBBMYKL
Kindly email the payment receipt to: finance.unicam@gmail.com (Write up your details; Full Name , No. Matric & Purpose of the Payment)
I hereby declare that the information provided is correct and give permission to UniCAM to process my request. If the information is false and incomplete, UniCAM has the right to reject this request.